Words That Seem Forgotten These Days

Words That Seem Forgotten These Days
The Declaration of Independence

About Me

My photo
No Name City, Mountains of North Carolina, United States
Well This is hard to write about. I'm complicated. I guess I have had a good life, up until the past few years and things have taken a down turn. But with the Lords help it will get better. I have traveled some, seen a lot places "some I wish I have never had". Been Married for a good number of years 2 kids a dog and a cat. More gray hairs everyday.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday 01/23/2010

Well Its saturday and it is cold damp and my bones ache,another beautiful day in paradise. You know some people would say I'm just to dam pessimistic about everything. Well I am. I' just old and tired and worn out. I'm like an Edsel, I came out looking good from the factory had a lot of cool options but know one appreciated me. So I guess  I have a right to be down and out. So until the next time.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Well I was off today and bored, so I thought I would mess with reloading a couple of rounds for my Vetterli. I picked up last month.
I already had the Lee dies and some 348win Brass and a Lee 430 bullet mold. So I just needed to do some cutting resizing and loading.
I was going to cut the brass at the shoulder when I realized I had "loaned" my hacksaw to my neighbor, which was not at home. Next best thing I had was my copper tube cutter.While not the straightest cut, it worked. But it beveled the shell mouth!!!!!! So with Little help with some needle nose pliers and a deep well 7mm socket "which by the way made a good case mouth expander I got that part taken care of. I had never used the Lee dies and from the get-go I ran into problems. The brass was not de primed and the de-primer that came with the dies would not go into the mouth of the shell after cutting because of the Ball on it. It needs machining down some. So I changed it out with a straight pin de-capper and that took care of that problem. So I de-capped the Brass. Re-capped and was ready for the powder. I used 10 grains of Trail boss powder dipped with a 2.2cc Lee powder measure. I had measured this load with my Lee powder scales. 10 grains of Trail boss filled the shell to just below the shoulder.
I loaded my .430 dia. 299 grain bullets " this is what they weighed out at after casting with pure lead"I lubed them with T/C Bore Butter Grease, all I had on hand, and proceed outside. With 2 whole rounds. This was not a range session, just a function test. Loaded one round, aimed at paper plate placed at 10yrds on the bank behind my house and pulled the trigger. It WENT BANG, with one round through the paper.The shell ejected good no signs of pressure, chambered another round and same thing. So at least I know My Vetterli shoots. with a little work on the de-capping pin and better shell cutting and trimming and getting the bolt converted that came with this rifle. I used the converted bolt out of my other Vetterli. 'Hey I know I will hear from some of you on that one, but it worked. . I think I have a good shooting Vetterli. Oh the cleaning rod in the picture is from a SKS. Fit real Good.


Well I'm off of work today because of MLK'S birthday.
 Some people have a problem with it being a holiday. I don't.
  I have always wondered what the world would be like if Rev. King had not gotten assassinated just like JFK. Would the world  be a better place. We will never know will we. It could not be any worse than it is.Both these men had a dream and that dream died with them.
  So Happy Birthday Rev. King

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Well I had posted a blog early and went back to edit it and It just disappeared, I guess I just hit the wrong button. No matter no one reads my blogs anyway. Its just a way for me to vent my frustrations and relieve my stress. But if you do happen to read this I just need to get this off of my chest.
  I THINK THE WHOLE CURRENT STATE OF AFFAIRS IN THIS COUNTRY STINKS. Now with that said. I hope you have a blessed day and a good week.
Back in Baroque: The String Quartet Tribute to AC/DC

Quick Bible Link

If you need a quick and simple link to view the Bible, then here it is.

Today Is Sunday

Today is Sunday,just another day, it started out the same and it will end the same. I have no doubt in that! What happens during the day is up to me. Will I stay in today or will I go out and burn gas that I cannot afford to, will I eat in or eat out and spend money I don't have. What should I do? This is the everyday thing we ask ourselves on the weekend. During the week the decision is already made. We get up go to work and come home. I guess you do. If you are like me That is the only way I have to support my family. Unless you have a disability that keeps you from working or you have lost your job like so many hard working Americans have!!! "OR" unless you are one of those that are just to dam sorry to work and you want the rest of us to keep you up or you had rather steal or sell your drugs than to work. These are the ones I detest. Yes I'm mad and why shouldn't I be. Does the Government care that I can barely survive on what I make "NO" . Did the bank want to help when I ask about help with my house loan "NO" I made $50.00 to much a month to qualify for that. Does the Propane company care that my family is cold because I'm out of propane and they are charging $4.85 a Gal. for it and I don't have the money to pay for it, because they want it paid for up front and the least they will put in the tank is 50 gal's "NO" they dont care!!!!!!!! If you are reading this do you care, probable not, because you have your own problems to worry about and you are probable asking yourself if he cannot afford all of this, why does he have Internet!!!! Because This is all I have. I have no phone or T.V. I listen to the radio for my news. I e-mail my friends, I have giving up the others and I have sold most of everything that I have of value to help pay my bills. So this is the only luxury I have left. But I'm still working, I'm not on welfare, I do have some pride left. If anyone reads this, just to one thing for me. Remember me and my family in your prayers. That's one thing they cannot take away from me, "That's my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ" I'll have that until the day I die.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm Tired

It has been awhile since I have been on here, but no time for the weary. I have been so disgusted with this world and the way my life has played out these past months. Every time I get ahead 3 steps I get knocked back 5. The Media Say's things are looking up but all I see is more hardship and less money in my pocket. This "so called Government" we have is a crock. A bunch of political hacks that all they care about is filling their pockets or sending everything overseas to "AID" these poor backward country's that need help. Well we the American people need help here. We need a bail out and we need to vote out the crooks in Washington. So please vote for the new guy or woman on the block in the Midterm elections. Lets put some some new blood in Washington and get that old bought and paid for blood out. We need a change and it is up to the American people to do it. So vote for someone that has not been in their. Lets vote the Bum's out.