Words That Seem Forgotten These Days

Words That Seem Forgotten These Days
The Declaration of Independence

About Me

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No Name City, Mountains of North Carolina, United States
Well This is hard to write about. I'm complicated. I guess I have had a good life, up until the past few years and things have taken a down turn. But with the Lords help it will get better. I have traveled some, seen a lot places "some I wish I have never had". Been Married for a good number of years 2 kids a dog and a cat. More gray hairs everyday.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Well I had posted a blog early and went back to edit it and It just disappeared, I guess I just hit the wrong button. No matter no one reads my blogs anyway. Its just a way for me to vent my frustrations and relieve my stress. But if you do happen to read this I just need to get this off of my chest.
  I THINK THE WHOLE CURRENT STATE OF AFFAIRS IN THIS COUNTRY STINKS. Now with that said. I hope you have a blessed day and a good week.
Back in Baroque: The String Quartet Tribute to AC/DC

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