Words That Seem Forgotten These Days

Words That Seem Forgotten These Days
The Declaration of Independence

About Me

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No Name City, Mountains of North Carolina, United States
Well This is hard to write about. I'm complicated. I guess I have had a good life, up until the past few years and things have taken a down turn. But with the Lords help it will get better. I have traveled some, seen a lot places "some I wish I have never had". Been Married for a good number of years 2 kids a dog and a cat. More gray hairs everyday.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm Tired

It has been awhile since I have been on here, but no time for the weary. I have been so disgusted with this world and the way my life has played out these past months. Every time I get ahead 3 steps I get knocked back 5. The Media Say's things are looking up but all I see is more hardship and less money in my pocket. This "so called Government" we have is a crock. A bunch of political hacks that all they care about is filling their pockets or sending everything overseas to "AID" these poor backward country's that need help. Well we the American people need help here. We need a bail out and we need to vote out the crooks in Washington. So please vote for the new guy or woman on the block in the Midterm elections. Lets put some some new blood in Washington and get that old bought and paid for blood out. We need a change and it is up to the American people to do it. So vote for someone that has not been in their. Lets vote the Bum's out.

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