Words That Seem Forgotten These Days

Words That Seem Forgotten These Days
The Declaration of Independence

About Me

My photo
No Name City, Mountains of North Carolina, United States
Well This is hard to write about. I'm complicated. I guess I have had a good life, up until the past few years and things have taken a down turn. But with the Lords help it will get better. I have traveled some, seen a lot places "some I wish I have never had". Been Married for a good number of years 2 kids a dog and a cat. More gray hairs everyday.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Well Its Friday and I'm still not feeling up to par, it has been a tough painful week on me. As you see Bill Hanes is in limbo right now. Been kinda hard to concentrate with all of the pain med's. But if you have been following along he will be back. So take care until the next time.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Well Its Monday again, Another CRAPPY DAY IN PARADISE. My header is MY LIFE AND WRITINGS, you have saw my writings so here is alittle about my life. I had an accident about a month ago, fell off of a ladder and broke some bones pulled some tendons and more or less messed myself up for a while. It has been cold and rainy here this weekend and that does not do my pain much good, plus I had a touch of a stomach bug. You ever tried to run to the bathroom on crutches. Oh well. So maybe I will get to feeling better in a couple of days and get back to "Bill Hanes". I hope everyone likes my crude writing style. Take care and keep your powder dry and your ear to the wind. Until next time.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bill Hanes "Outlaw Tracker" Part-5

We had caught up with the Comanche's. They had headed straight to where the Mcluery's were headed. Big Jim Auden's Hell Hole. The Horse's were in the corral, and the Comanches were outside passing a bottle around. Looks like they had made their trade with Big Jim. As it looked from Bill's vantage point, there was about 8 Comanche's and Big Jim had at least 15 men around his "store" as he liked to call it. The store, which was an Old Spanish built adobe building. Was built up on a small Rise, with a good open view to the front and sides. His Look Outs had a good view in any direction. Behind it about 75 yards back, was a straight up and down solid rock wall about 100 feet high. The corral was off to the left, with a barn and a couple of more out buildings. To the right was open ground with no cover. Same as the front, any attack would be suicide to make on this place from those two direction's. So that meant the left side, where the corral was, provided the best cover. Bill went back and told the Captain what he seen and The Captain decided the best thing was to wait, until the Comanche's rode out. Slip in early in the morning right before dawn, using the shadow of the rock wall to cover their approach and steal all the horse's back. The Captain also decide if they could, he would like to put Big Jim out of business for good. So he said we would dynamite the store, and torch the out buildings. That should leave him a message to get out of Texas. To Bill it all sounded way to easy. " to be Continued"

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bill Hanes "Outlaw Tracker" Part-4

The Ranger Posse had followed the Comanche's trail, but it had split into Three groups. The main group had went on south with ten of the horse's. While the other two groups had went west and east with five horse's apiece. The captain decided to stay with the main party and try and get those horse's back, ten was better than none. Bill and another ranger rode ahead to scout out the trail. They had not gone far when an arrow went into the Rangers chest, he fell from his horse and didn't move. Bill reined his horse up and looked to his right. There came three Comanche's riding straight for him. he pulled his Winchester from the scabbard and fired one quick shot. A Comanche fell but the other two keep coming. Bill turned and rode hard back towards the posse. The Comanche's firing at him as he went. Bill turned and fired another shot and a Comanche horse fell throwing the ride into the dust. Bill then reined his horse to a stop turned and fired again, This time missing. The last Comanche turned and went back the way he came, Bill was hard on his trail. He knew if that one got back to the main party they would not get those horse's back. The Comanche Bill had un-horsed was on his feet running the opposed way, but Bill concentrated on the rider, Bill horse was just a bit faster and he was almost on him, he raised his rifle and fired again. The Comanche's horse went down, Bill rode past the fallen Comanche at full gallop and fired again, the Comanche went down with a bullet in his chest. Bill then turned his attention back to the other Comanche, but there was no need the posse had came riding hard when they had heard the shots,and the Captain had taken care of him with one shot from his 45/70 Sharps. A good two hundred yard shot it was too. Bill went and checked the fallen Ranger, he was dead. They buried him and Captain said a few words over his grave and told them to mount up, They had a job to finish. "To be Continued"

Bill Hanes "Outlaw Tracker" Part-3

Bill knew he did not stand a chance in hell against all of those Comanche's, but he had to do something. The Mclurey's were both good as dead, The game had come to a quick end when the Comanche chief had rode up pointed to the brother's said something to the warrior's and rode back into the woods to the south end of the field. Two of the Comanche's had went up scalped both of them alive and then bent over their screaming body's and took their knives and cut a hole in each brothers side and reach in grab their intestines and stretch them out across the field and left them for the vultures to feast on. The Comanche's were good at a slow death. Bill watched the Comanche's leave off to the south with the Horse's. He got up made his way back to his horses and went back up to the trail. Thats when he heard a group of riders coming up from behind fast. He got his horse's back off the trail and got down behind some rocks cocked his Winchester and got ready for whoever was coming his way, but low and behold it was the posse. He was sure glad to see them. Ranger Captain L.W. Murphy was at the lead, Bill jumped up waived his hat. Murphy ask what was going on? Bill told him what had happened while getting on his horse. Captain Murphy told the 8 men riding with him to get ready and follow them. They were getting them horse's back. Bill lead the way to the field where the Mclurey Brothers were. They were still alive. Captain Murphy looked down on the brothers, Fred Mclurey ask the Captain to shoot them to end their suffering, The Captain looked at them both and said you have got what you deserve for Killing old man Baker and his wife, I ain't wasting a bullet on either of you. Men lets ride. The Captain was a hard man.”To Be Continued”

Monday, October 5, 2009

Coconut Pie

Start off with 5-Eggs 2- Cups of sugar 1- Stick of melted Butter 3/4 cups of buttermilk 1- Pack of frozen Coconut ---------------------- Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly Pour into a large unbaked deep pie crust or 2 medium sized unbaked crust. and bake at 350 deg for 30 Min's or until firm For a homemade pie crust 1-cup of flour 1/2 cup Crisco Mix until coarse like cornmeal, add 2-3 tbls Iced water until it sticks together Put on floured surface Roll out very thin Large enough to fit Pie pan. "Use plenty of flour turn and flour while rolling so it will not stick to surface"


I thought I would put a couple of my Favorite Recipe's on here this evening. To start off with "A What Is It" 1lb Lean ground Chuck 1- Packet Lipton Onion Soup Mix 1-Egg 2- Slices of 2 to 3 day old Bread 1 -Tbls Worchteshire Sauce 1- Can of Campbell's Mushroom soup ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mix Ground Chuck,Onion Soup Mix, Egg, Worchteshire Sauce and Then Crumble the Bread to the mix Make into a small Loaf and place in a baking pan with room on all sides of loaf. Mix Mushroom soup with 1/2 cans of water in a bowl and pour over loaf,making sure it runs all around it. Bake in a Pre-Heated oven at 350 deg. for 45 Min's and make sure the Mushroom Gravy does not boil away. Remove from oven let sit for 5 Min's Do not salt Onion soup mix will take care of that. Serve with your favorite side's and enjoy.

Bill Hanes "Outlaw Tracker" Part-2

After running a cold camp the night before Bill was glad to see the sun come up. He had not had a fire in 5 nights and the weather was turning brisk. It being October. He had gotten an early start and gotten back on the trail of the Mclurey Brothers. They seemed not to be in any hurry, and he still had no sight of the posse that was following him. He thought he had marked a good trail for them to follow, hell a blind man could have followed, but yet no sign, he was getting a bit worried. He could handle the Mclurey's, But if any of their friends were waiting for them further on, then that would be a problem. Thats when he heard it!!! A scream, a pain riddled scream of a man. It was down in the valley to the left of him. Bill eased his horse and the pack horse off of the trail and tied them up to a tree out of sight of the trail pulled his Winchester Carbine out of the scabbarded grabbed a bag of 44/40 shells off of the horse and went ahead on foot. The scream was louder this time and straight ahead. Bill eased his way up to a rise that over looked the field below and could not believe his eyes. There was both Mclurey brothers stacked out in the field with about 6 Comanche's around them. This was bad. The brothers he could handle but 6 or more Comanche's, he was not getting paid enough for that. The Comanche's were using the brothers as targets for their Knife throwing game, Bill had seen this before. They would lay all of their victims items out on the ground and what item the Comanche picked out, then he threw his knife at one of the victims. If the knife struck and stuck then the item was his, if he missed then it went to the next "player". This could go on for hours and it looked like they just started. Because Fred Mclurey still had a knife sticking out of his leg. The Comanche picked up his prize and walked over and jerked his knife out of Fred's leg. This brought another scream, and now it looked like it was Toms turn. Where the hell was that posse!!!!!! To be continued

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Swiss Vetterli Rifle

This is a Rifle that I enjoy shooting, so I thought I would share a little history on it. After the Civil War most country's seen the need to change from their old Muzzle loading Rifles to a Breech loader. So in an 18th century arms race each country tried to come up with and idea of a modern military arm to issue their troops. The Swiss followed suit. In 1867 they began converting some of their muzzleloading .41 caliber rifles to a breechloading trapdoor system Know as the M1842/59/67 Swiss Milbank-Amsler. It was chambered in the new .41 Swiss rim fire round M1867 0r 10.4x38 RF Swiss. They also ordered 15,000 Peabody rifles chambered in 41 Swiss from the U.S. These stayed in service for two years, Things where changing and the repeating bolt action rifle Was being developed by the other European country's, for the Swiss to keep up that's where Swiss engineer Friedrich Vetterli stepped in with his 12 shot tubular magazine bolt-action rifle. The model 1867 VetterlThis rifle was inspired by the American made Henry Rifle.It had a tubular 12 round enclosed under barrel magazine, when the bolt was pulled to the rear, the empty shell was extracted and this in turn released a new shell from the magazine into a shell lift assemble. When the bolt was pushed forward the lift assembly raised and lined the shell with the bolt where as it was pushed into the chamber, the rifle was ready to fire again. New rounds where loaded into the magazine through a opening in right hand side of the receiver. This rifle say service with the Swiss army from 1869 until 1890 when it was replaced by the Schmidt-Rubin . It was also used and issued to the Italian Army in a Modified Version up through WW-1. Pictured at right Swiss Version on top, Italian Version on bottom. This Rifle was sold as surplus after being replaced by the Schmidt-Rubin. Ammo was made for it by Remington up until the 1940's This old War horse can still be shoot able with a little work and reloading skills. So I hope you have enjoyed this little tid-bit of info on the Swiss Vetterli. Until the next time: Look to God but remember to keep your powder dry just in case.

Bill Hanes "Outlaw Tracker' Oct.4 1875

It was a warm morning in the foot hills of the Balcones Escarpment. Bill Hanes had been tracking the Mclurey Brothers for 4 days. he was getting close, because that old feeling down the back of his neck was starting to show. Bill is a paid tracker for the Texas Rangers, has been for the past 6 yr's. He had joined the rangers in 1860 when he was 16. Then the Civil War came and he went and rode with 5th Texas Cavalry, That was ten years ago, now he tracked men for a living. It was a hard and dangerous life. But it was all He knew. The Mclurey brothers 4 days earlier had made a visit to the Baker Ranch. A small spread in Burnett county. It had mostly horses a few cattle on it, it was run by old man Baker his wife and his two son's . Well the Mclurey brothers had visited while the son's were away. Just Old man Baker and his wife where there. They had shot the old man in the barn and his wife at the Kitchen door . She still had that old Smith Carbine in her hand, at least she had gotten off a shot and had hit one of the brothers. Bill had found a small trace of blood near the corral. The brothers had ransacked the house, took what could be eaten or sold and had made off with about 20 horse's. Bill had a run in with these two before but nothing like this, small stuff, drinking and fighting. Together they were mean and nasty. Back shooters though, would not face ya down. That's why Bill was taking it slow and easy. No hurry, Bill knew where they were headed. To Big Jim Auden's place. He ran a trading post If you wanted to call it that, Hell hole suited it better. He Dealt in stolen horse's mostly. Traded them to the Indians or run them down into Mexico or up north, anywhere to put a gold coin in his pocket. Usually had about 8 to 10 men working for him. All had a price on their heads. Bill would bade his time for now and let the posse catch up. For right now Bill was just getting paid to track not to kill, "to be Continued"

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hello All

Hello Well this is my 1st time at being a blogger. I'm new to this but I do have an opinon and some will not agree with it. Does this bother me, No, not at all. It is everyone freedom under our Constitution and Bill Of Rights to dis-agree with how or what is said by almost everyone in this great country of ours. So Just sit back and follow along with my day to day post. If you don't like it then you can just click on the x and move on. To start off with this is Saturday the 3rd day of October 2009. Not much happened with me today. I usually Get up, do my Saturday morning running around hitting the yard sells, pawn shop's and Gun Store's. Oh yeah I'm a Gun Nut. Take it as you may. Was brought up around gun's and hunting. I'm southern its in our blood. At least mine. But for awhile I will have to change my schedule since I'm laid up for awhile do to an injury.So I watched my girls boyfriend get the old John Deere out, grass was in a bad need of mowing. This took up most of his evening. HEE HAW. I have a big yard and a slow old mower. It was given to me so I don't complain to much about it. Yeah That another thing about me I'm thrifty, My wife calls it cheap. But hey if its free then it's for me. Have to save money some way. I'm what you would call a scrounger. Someone Else's junk is my treasure!!!! So enough on that. H finally got the mowing done about 6pm, so after a quick easy hot dog supper, This is where I have landed. But Tombstone is coming on and I have to watch it, I might have missed something in the past 20 times I have watched it. So in the great words of Val Kilmer aka Doc Holiday, I'm your huckleberry. Until tomorrow, 'Put your trust in God; but mind to keep your powder dry!'”