Words That Seem Forgotten These Days

Words That Seem Forgotten These Days
The Declaration of Independence

About Me

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No Name City, Mountains of North Carolina, United States
Well This is hard to write about. I'm complicated. I guess I have had a good life, up until the past few years and things have taken a down turn. But with the Lords help it will get better. I have traveled some, seen a lot places "some I wish I have never had". Been Married for a good number of years 2 kids a dog and a cat. More gray hairs everyday.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bill Hanes "Outlaw Tracker" Part-2

After running a cold camp the night before Bill was glad to see the sun come up. He had not had a fire in 5 nights and the weather was turning brisk. It being October. He had gotten an early start and gotten back on the trail of the Mclurey Brothers. They seemed not to be in any hurry, and he still had no sight of the posse that was following him. He thought he had marked a good trail for them to follow, hell a blind man could have followed, but yet no sign, he was getting a bit worried. He could handle the Mclurey's, But if any of their friends were waiting for them further on, then that would be a problem. Thats when he heard it!!! A scream, a pain riddled scream of a man. It was down in the valley to the left of him. Bill eased his horse and the pack horse off of the trail and tied them up to a tree out of sight of the trail pulled his Winchester Carbine out of the scabbarded grabbed a bag of 44/40 shells off of the horse and went ahead on foot. The scream was louder this time and straight ahead. Bill eased his way up to a rise that over looked the field below and could not believe his eyes. There was both Mclurey brothers stacked out in the field with about 6 Comanche's around them. This was bad. The brothers he could handle but 6 or more Comanche's, he was not getting paid enough for that. The Comanche's were using the brothers as targets for their Knife throwing game, Bill had seen this before. They would lay all of their victims items out on the ground and what item the Comanche picked out, then he threw his knife at one of the victims. If the knife struck and stuck then the item was his, if he missed then it went to the next "player". This could go on for hours and it looked like they just started. Because Fred Mclurey still had a knife sticking out of his leg. The Comanche picked up his prize and walked over and jerked his knife out of Fred's leg. This brought another scream, and now it looked like it was Toms turn. Where the hell was that posse!!!!!! To be continued

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