Words That Seem Forgotten These Days

Words That Seem Forgotten These Days
The Declaration of Independence

About Me

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No Name City, Mountains of North Carolina, United States
Well This is hard to write about. I'm complicated. I guess I have had a good life, up until the past few years and things have taken a down turn. But with the Lords help it will get better. I have traveled some, seen a lot places "some I wish I have never had". Been Married for a good number of years 2 kids a dog and a cat. More gray hairs everyday.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Well Its Monday again, Another CRAPPY DAY IN PARADISE. My header is MY LIFE AND WRITINGS, you have saw my writings so here is alittle about my life. I had an accident about a month ago, fell off of a ladder and broke some bones pulled some tendons and more or less messed myself up for a while. It has been cold and rainy here this weekend and that does not do my pain much good, plus I had a touch of a stomach bug. You ever tried to run to the bathroom on crutches. Oh well. So maybe I will get to feeling better in a couple of days and get back to "Bill Hanes". I hope everyone likes my crude writing style. Take care and keep your powder dry and your ear to the wind. Until next time.

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