Bill knew he did not stand a chance in hell against all of those Comanche's, but he had to do something.
The Mclurey's were both good as dead, The game had come to a quick end when the Comanche chief had rode up pointed to the brother's said something to the warrior's and rode back into the woods to the south end of the field. Two of the Comanche's had went up scalped both of them alive and then bent over their screaming body's and took their knives and cut a hole in each brothers side and reach in grab their intestines and stretch them out across the field and left them for the vultures to feast on. The Comanche's were good at a slow death.
Bill watched the Comanche's leave off to the south with the Horse's. He got up made his way back to his horses and went back up to the trail. Thats when he heard a group of riders coming up from behind fast.
He got his horse's back off the trail and got down behind some rocks cocked his Winchester and got ready for whoever was coming his way, but low and behold it was the posse. He was sure glad to see them. Ranger Captain L.W. Murphy was at the lead, Bill jumped up waived his hat. Murphy ask what was going on? Bill told him what had happened while getting on his horse. Captain Murphy told the 8 men riding with him to get ready and follow them. They were getting them horse's back. Bill lead the way to the field where the Mclurey Brothers were. They were still alive. Captain Murphy looked down on the brothers, Fred Mclurey ask the Captain to shoot them to end their suffering, The Captain looked at them both and said you have got what you deserve for Killing old man Baker and his wife, I ain't wasting a bullet on either of you. Men lets ride. The Captain was a hard man.”To Be Continued”
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